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Monday, January 27, 2020

Final Exam

When the reply finally came 
it was by book.  
She wrote she was an independent-minded woman  
who liked greasy spoons 
maple water, vintage watches

and here I was, laughing at football 
a curiosity and she was curious  
with had no intention of aging.

Upon the balcony my mother asked 
What are you reading?  
I snuck out for a smoke.
There in the courtyard 

next to the very same church 
as the wind kicked in and the boxwoods leaned 
I saw a man made of ink. I moved toward him
and became Marilyn Monroe.

On the balcony, my mother watched with alarm 
and a werewolf dressed as a king 
beside her began jumping for joy. 
The man of ink turned and shot me.
As I lay on the cobblestones bleeding 
I woke up drooling at 10 PM.

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