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Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Dreams About Passports

Does a thought, a comparison
a spasmodic equation
of a cloud and the dolphin I see 
with imperfect eyes in the sky 
engineered by an impetus 
to keep seeing keep noticing

does such an observation
have something to it we call truth
prosper if appreciated? (Does it matter to prosper?
Or is it better latent? Does it count 
to anyone in particular
more than one note two notes, three 
of Dexter Gordon Don’t Explain 
wording the same questions wordlessly 

does it matter 
to be understood, or even heard 
once you have wondered 
Does it matter 
and, answering No 
it matters not
to understand matter

must even such a dismal No 
matter, to a mind that opens once 
or twice upon a time  
matter, to be understood  
or heard or talked about, lived through 
even-if-removed, replaced, or moved beyond 
to still pursue the light 

like the spirit moving in generations
of cockroaches and birds of paradise 
matter that we leave the X we represent 
wide open raw and innocent 
as animals extinct unto power—
gifted ape or auks of survival 
killer species, victorious bacteria 
or real-live aristocrat 
with legal-engineering skills, connections 
and the money that pays you  
so shut up or I cut you 
a long long neck branching 
too far out from safety
consumed like a tree by endless vines  
does it matter 

for peasants of the dead-eyed frenzy 
to look thirsty and alive as the blade falls
and they morph among the histrionic days 
freighted down by oil bills 
and hot hot hot hot August rain 
as blues and beauty incrementally repair 
one slash of creation
and there
as the slave recognizing his master 
slavers over ziggurauts
and the triumph of servitude
dare we celebrate the beauty too—

the strong nose and perfect bone structure 
of one superserious Emily Rosenberg 
her beauty raging 
in my brain like the X 
she too represents, O 
dare I celebrate a feeling 
that wears old now? 

and no longer able
to plead my loveless vortex 
loudly as a howling pack of dogs 
til all that amounts to memory-dunes
admits the desert future 
and the Deluge we knew  
in the beginning 
lies the end of octomesters and cyclops

so happy to be Zero 
and exposed to the real 
cruel totality that radiates 
in which we radiate 
a sad compromise short of all ideals 
drunks drink to forget 

does it matter 
because sometime in the distance 
a woman like you 
and like me
emerging on a distant planet
think just like we do? 
Does it matter that this friendship— 
these correspondences 
of cloud and lover 
lover and beloved 
self and descendant 
Gordon and a listener— 
made through time and race 
and sex geography 
culture tautology

exists of a mood gone in a flash 
and too casually for inquisitors alleviates 
the reckoning of coming silence—
and if the answer is yes 
or if it is no 
did we approach something? 
Does my desire 
break my sympathies in time 
and triangulate the man attained of feelings 
and a cloud he faces with a dolphin 
swimming in the stars 
and swim in the stars?
Is this what it feels like to be free?

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