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Sunday, November 8, 2020



 This is one of many 
numbers that haunt me. 
The number by which god calls me.

My imbroglios inflame your imagination; hence
original despite the serial number 
I vacuum in my underwear 
and pretend the artworks tilted 
odd angles by earthquakes 
decided long ago 
mean something to me.

I forget things easily. Sorry 
if I forgive myself  
for ghosting you last week 
but you still asked me here to pose

with desertification and empty oceans 
war plutocracy rape fantasy success 
and my lips are like Yeah 
I am your goddess and I will give you 
some of what you need. 
Just don't stare longer than I silently ask.

From one stage set to the next 
my mind moves so fast 
there is no reason to remember anything you ever said 
because this life is my garden  
and each day is lovelier than tomorrow.

This is my portfolio. Did I tell you I like Carraba's? 
Life rolls like the controversial code words 
of end-stage principalities 
in which I serve as subject of my own backdrop 
in a townhouse by the airport

all combined to form the reality in which I fling 
in a look made for fun 
and verse as useless as it is unique like 
an individual butterfly or the dress a boutique 
made for me especially but more so
unable to contain when the MVP 
crosses like a black cat, my body.

This is why my smile is as it is. Do you like it?
My life does not depend on the answer 
but I wonder nonetheless. 

Sometimes everything reminds me of something else

like every day of what I want to be 
but because my life is my garden 
there is no reason to settle   
on a single day of the collection.

A businesswoman of Monaco, 1953. 
Cleopatra no doubt. Christ on the stake. 
A lime-green Lamborghini 
driving through sky-high slices  
of coconut cake. 
Through nights a zebra mask defines me as I peek at magazines 
eating fast food at the end of the all-night pharmacy.

The hardest moons gave me this
and I can't complain about the way time has warped me. 
Even the predator hiss-- is that not the way of Eve  
my friend my idol my love? 

It is no mistake I carry her apples as breasts.
And her face but no memory 
except a number I remember. 

It begins with 123.

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