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Monday, February 24, 2025

Trump 2.0


You heard about this new film.

It sounds terrible. Like, Do Not Go See This Film.

But you said you really want to see this new film.

I was like, Please stop. Do not go in there.

But you’re at the theater already. Popcorn and all.

You told me I am so boring.

I said I would rather be boring than dead. Don’t go in there.

But you said Stop Mansplaining. And I couldn’t tell if you were being ironic.

So you go in there.


The sounds I hear I cannot forget.

Like iron socked into damp wood. Over and over with tears.

I fell to the sidewalk. I wept.

Oddly, I thought of plucking tomatoes with my aunt

and what’s been lost as I picked the brains

and chum and nuclear waste from my eyes.

I tried to tell you not to go see this new film.

The film is over. You are dead

and I am burning.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

February 23

 --For Charles Burchfield, Aaron Copland, and Jason Pierce


February tries to be everything and fails.

Fails at everything but black snow and dead skin

tossed by chill breezes over economy-grade Appalachians

eroding from awe I owe the sky with deep gratitude.

Gratitude, now burned away like Camels’

poisonous ash that gave so many moments of bliss

unavailable to the brain chemistry of brownshirt kooks in my jetstream.

In a sense I am being interrogated by a sewing machine---

searched for predictions of the future by a critical object

looking for weakness in me and finding oh another memory---

a dancefloor of trapdoors where the outcome of my fall remains known/unknown.

The future waits. One day you may find it came too soon.

One day more and you may find yourself freer than a red balloon

absconding with a crystallized rainbow blazing in the sky. Kaboom.



Nothing is happening. Yet if you look closely

it’s clear how everything could. If and if.

It promises 66 and sun. But there it is, 44 with rain.

People standing in the airport waiting for the train.

Out of yesterday’s truisms, it might do me good to shut-up-lately.

I know someone else will fill the void with gunfire mandate argument stalemate

logistical nightmare TV timeout and darkweb consumer piano

wafting with the scent of incarcerated hamburger. Tune in tomorrow.

Silence cedes itself to jeers. Born again like a cheerleader in tears

the great gray flower of the sky reappears with mandalas.

The dripping oak would strangle me without a qualm if Destiny said yes.

Nothing is happening that I can see, and yet, as mumbled Galileo-considering-torture

it still turns. Observe the liquid sunset. Sip the limoncello.

Examine how you see me. Who am I to dream about tonight?



Bitter wind hisses up cold rain/hot sun

cold sun and lukewarm fog. You can’t decide how to feel just yet

though you swore you’d never be so indecisive again.

Or would you? Life amounts to random integers.

Lemmeget 2-2-8 a pintah nottyhead three Black Rhinos anna Hunnert Gran!

It’s 37 and feels like the raven is looking at me hard.

The forecast reads 68. Everyone around me is full of hate.

It hurts me so, I understand Pilate’s consignment of mercy

to soil ice and blood. As cold as midnight. As cool as noon.

Bright as Destiny looking back like an innocent moon.

Overeager dandelions turn too soon in the schoolfield/parkinglot.

Everything bad about me is all-you-have-to-croon.

Am I a few steps out of the mainstream and a little more asylum?

Is my ultimate reincarnation not the frost?



Seven weeks ago December lit the abandoned church.

The church beyond my backyard neighbor’s hill

now obscured by bare sycamores, utility lines, and dead waste.

It was pretty, but in February it’s neither dark enough to dream

nor light enough to drive home safely in a downpour. 

The church has barred its doors. Fascists linger, convicts dash

and one wonders how does a three-legged raccoon limp home

through rows of torn dripping trash? On TV, Christine Amanpour.

Is it 59.99? No, it’s 35. I remember Matthew 4:

Jesus plays Satan with myself as the spiritual gamepiece.

The devil offers me whatever I desire most: Destiny freedom and islands.

Jesus offers stark administration as his counterfolly.

Way to go mumbles God, but to Christ or Satan I’m unclear.

We hang by a thread on President’s Day.



I let the white boa of winter wrap itself around me

like the ouroboros of an alchemist who has found platinum.

Accidentally, it’s not winter anymore. It’s a shameless rebellion.

A rebellion that ends with prepubescent meltwater

curving in channels to break on wet leaves

with self-consciousness about it all. I see the shame in your face.

Anxiety confusion and trust. Sleet tears a wind of energy

and seagull-blue, the sky and bay make bloodfrost.

Less than a year from tyranny and exile

spilling oil rainbows into ponds of a pollution-nicety 

our date is set for damnation/salvation. I’m not sure I can be servile.

You never give me a blue moon though you say you will.

Just promises, alimony, and something extra once in awhile.

A 29th explanation of what went wrong in your experience.



The daffodil is here, in theory, crisp and cold.

Cold solid and smooth, like a horrible thought/nascent autocracy.

Destiny soon will be turned to record-breaking highs.

Time keeps on reaching its conclusions, amendable

and sold to the only prospective buyer at a noncompetitive cost.

Weather reads 67, maybe 70 degrees. (Why are police on the avenue?)

Ah but it is really 42 again and feels like 26.. (Don’t read the polls.)

Wintry mix in the afternoon forecast. Satan does not need tomorrow.

Just affirmation of your fire. Destiny’s form is your desire My Epicure/Skypilot.

Hot covers that smell like her body and tea. A galactic hairtoss

lost in a signature of snow like the asparagus forest of an insane dream.

I never stand a chance when I do not question everything I see.

Or so I say after visions of 45 years/60 shades of light/spinning at high velocity

seeing I ride on the edge of the point I break back.



No amount of my sorrow can comfort those I sent

back to the wilderness to die. A sad dog waits in the pound

wondering why he’s still alive. His sad sound lives in me.

His name was August. No flower lives in pristine sorrow.

My childhood gave me ways to survive

looking for permission to be fascinated in the throes of lunacy and godhead.

Now, at the end, Satan wants to give me everything, and I know what is out there.

The problem is, Jesus has offered me advice and consent.

I have many things to reconsider/forget. I am no apostate

nor a man to step through your illuminated gate without questions.

Broken as the windkract pine I question out of life.

Respect to the wet avenue softly in moonstone echoing laughter.

The laughter of Satan crashing his Camaro in the street. Night without frost.

Tonight I found a snake in the oven who’s woken early but still needs heat.



Is it snowing again? Will it quickly warm?

What really is the forecast for me? I did nothing with my wherewithal.

A valentine of orchids cannot forget the perfect recall---

that I drove to hell, disappeared, and lost myself like eyes wide shut.

How many enemies have I actually made? Don’t answer that.

Looks like a storm, but it stops. Time pulls the curtains. Time stands still.

Time stands still. Time ends in a cell. Time will tell

the enemy to plunge the dagger down and say there is no April.

There is indeed no April. But there is no option either. Just a king

who defiles me, steals back everything I’ve got left inside

offers a crude joke to his homunculi, shits on the floor like an animal (don’t dehumanize me!)

and dies by lava soil fossil fire bone and tooth.

Who is stirring in the bullpen to fight the liberation/original slavery from untruth?

This atrocity/wonderful cliffhanger is cutting-edge life-at-its-endgame.



The molten blue cracks and weeps like mourning wounds.

Morning joins another day to my collection.

The congressman compared women to sea turtles. (Again?)

Thirty-four when it should be 68. Locked inside myself like an inward-facing face

I see Destiny’s hips and long arms shift, transported to a place

in the Canaries where we make love to the apocalypse.

She bleaches her hair and I pass the cold bay

without fearing its destiny to drown me in the future is my own.

Yes, the lone wolf will make a cameo on behalf of unknown unknowns.

I’ll do the legwork on subscriptions for the pay-per-bread-and-circus

and hope the wand of starlight makes hell heaven with its spell.

I’ll wish for things that cannot be (62 or 63?)

with a smile of broken teeth and a lack of hindsight

foresight or the ability to remember/a quarter past midnight.



Memories are trapdoors to the only imagined/deeply desired.

Memories remind us of what we seek, if only to relive a sweet bonjour.

Memories of how it’s been and how it was in Mom’s boutique

when the soft cool steel of night became backdrop for words spent sub rosa.

That is to say, one thing that meant another. Or vice versa?

Pleasures of spiritual egress approach my bodiless freedom, and all-ecstasy

I gain absolute mind-absolution by declining a legacy.

My impurity is imbued with glass imagination magic and haiku.

In the night I dream again with a glass of sarsaparilla---

unstoppable beauty, shopping for hope in the graveyards of Alexandria

an eyelash of moonlight in the look Destiny plays for the pyramid.

The sleet the cardinal tests without intending to

torn harder as he sings his malediction. I’m dead inside. You too?

Let me be the sunshine falling slowly on your back.



We are headed down a path loaded with disease---

the icy path of neon trees, twisting, wet and black

on a carbon slick of industry and moons with no way back.

I asked Destiny why did you change your name?

She said it was a sensitive issue, and I chewed on every last mistake.

The doctor asked me to stop doing that, but I found a different doc who won’t.

There’s a demon at the end of the hall with twisted mace

in his knotted forearm who wants to fight for my life.

My life. Which tried so hard sometimes, though not as hard as you

to never surrender our most compromised rook. Stop doing that!

Ivy to the neck as the sun descends at 37, conjuring from reflection

some contraception of the man I must destroy/become.

I become. I brought the jazz at your party. I spilled the Asti Spumante

I cried on your Hemingway apron and feared the end of stare decisis.

Everything’s as dirty as it can be, and three fawns appear for arrest.



Satan makes me believe he wins this time. Furthermore

he has declared the game over, now and forever, and I never existed.

Never existed, don’t exist, and this is what I wanted---

a twilight full of Russian joy, a Judas figure in desperate straits

thinking on the dinero. O can I get to Canada? It has nukes, right?

Is it always cold like this? I am absolutely ready to atone in Calgary

and put myself on the tao to what goes on in Saskatoon.

How high will traitors hang above the local theater, prompting a brief-police-shutdown?

Wet snow falls in the window and I falter, eating oranges.

Satan enters, scratches his head, says

Look I’m sorry, man. I thought you knew this was bloodsport.

It dawned on me he’s going to rip out my heart. Do you like doing this? I asked.

No, the devil answered with remorse. But you must feel frost in Gethsemane.

On an orange blossom that dies deeply, to flower bright.



I died deeply. To flower bright. It didn’t happen.

The sun is waiting if I work through February.

The moonbeam on a still-forming planet of mushrooms

brings the dew from an alien forest of starbreath and undeath.

Dew as reinvigorating as the mist you have forgotten.

The world is rotten. As the purifying kiss that may/maynot exist.

Twenty-one when Destiny should be 46. Is that not normal these days?

Yes, my friend. That’s normal these days.

If anything, it’s abnormal how normal it is and all that’s going to change!

Radio stations broadcast salvations with arctic prophets of bland hits.

Destiny said I am her bestie. Her breasts stood out beneath her sweatshirt.

I said Jesus, I give up, man. He said Let It Go. DO NOT DO this.

The night filled with sick heat like a bag of peat moss bloated in the marshmallow rain.

Something turned last night. Metaphor clarification innuendo and proof.

I am unfrozen-as-an-untruth. Beyond sane when the frost bites hard.



I think I see a bud in hard reality. I will accept the score.

Destiny known as Peter knows it, denying in a doorway, or turned upside-down.

Something turned last night. I wish I could sing/have-never-heard-of the blues.

February. Made me forget breaking/terrible news.

The game demands I never know the sunny high. The jenesaisquois.

The quotient ending when I asphyxiate rock’n’roll

and ambulate like a dervish danced in confusions destined to surrender.

Like myself, endless Earth bound by law and the core heat of magma.

You know, I can remember every memory I lost. And how badly.

It doesn’t sadden me. That the problem is, you know me.

February. A bumblebee. The earth disturbing

the adjudication of freedom to a stupid law lost like a bumblebee across the windowsill.

Everyone is exhausted in the warm chill. I’m sorry

But it’s 76 in the street so come love me right here.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

The Repeal of Roe v Wade

Our fucked-up nation isn’t free.

The model savior’s birth

has symbolic value to some men.

For evenso whereas yes

a man deserves death

torture even, prison, or damnation.

The fetus is pure. The Ultramessiah

Messiah before there was a messiah.

The fetus is the protoman. almost half sperm

half egg. The subatomic Big Bang aborted by the city

just like Jefferson warned

and wasted like criminals

In the eyes of Jesus

I believe all god’s children

were happier as slaves. Praise Jesus

and take the most wild capricious life.

The outlaw childgod spawned by incest

Beneath a tornado shaped like Grandmother.

As it was, My Jehovah

whose only begotten son

came to Earth in Mary’s belly. Your belly.

sluts and the poor would bodily

dismember, strangle.

Strangle the rapist’s baby. What a crime.

For in the fascist world

miscarriage is a sign.

All ya can do is pray

is the Sunday spirit

Eve-given, gasoline headcase

talking local football

at the roadside BBQ.

Ask Joseph

if he said no to God

who enters unwillingly and gives way to eternal praise. Fuck.

The sacramental ova

was meant to pump life

and now there is a court to prove it

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Hippo Wreck


Sam drove his white van

through the obsidian honeycomb semiconductor

better known as The Cliff of Life.

Stop deconstructing! Now is a time to build! You damn shoegazers!


When Sam crashed into a glass sinkhole

his hippo was left standing on its nose.

My father wondered What in the samhill?



How many phone numbers on the bathroom stalls

did it take me to realize they always summed the same

no matter how I rearranged them.


Everyone was “closed for the virus”

or pontificating in a Lamborghini

that men reelect the government is freaking out.

Good. An ahm four that. [spit].


But now the crashed hippo means more than that jazz.

I tried all night to find someone

as I stared from my loft at six different skylines

(Sydney Singapore Shanghai Barcelona San Francisco Dubai)


The black market had options.

Many advocated zoos.

The only guy open was named Ramesh

.His Moneyball said Mumbai.


I called Ramesh

(Hello moon like a tropical fish).

and surfed the night on a banana.

Ramesh was inexperienced

but known for success with antelopes

so why the hell not?

Matters of the everpresent procreative desire

demanded someone rugged

determined confident blue-skinned and silent.


Sam died of guilt in a romantic spotlight on the quad.

There were signs of the sky growing in his body.

Prospects for souls were bright as the sun

the president’s bronzer

made it seem like he worshipped by imitating.


Ramesh freed the hippo that night.

Sam gave up too early.

We are near the end of our terrible experiment.

Sunday, November 8, 2020



 This is one of many 
numbers that haunt me. 
The number by which god calls me.

My imbroglios inflame your imagination; hence
original despite the serial number 
I vacuum in my underwear 
and pretend the artworks tilted 
odd angles by earthquakes 
decided long ago 
mean something to me.

I forget things easily. Sorry 
if I forgive myself  
for ghosting you last week 
but you still asked me here to pose

with desertification and empty oceans 
war plutocracy rape fantasy success 
and my lips are like Yeah 
I am your goddess and I will give you 
some of what you need. 
Just don't stare longer than I silently ask.

From one stage set to the next 
my mind moves so fast 
there is no reason to remember anything you ever said 
because this life is my garden  
and each day is lovelier than tomorrow.

This is my portfolio. Did I tell you I like Carraba's? 
Life rolls like the controversial code words 
of end-stage principalities 
in which I serve as subject of my own backdrop 
in a townhouse by the airport

all combined to form the reality in which I fling 
in a look made for fun 
and verse as useless as it is unique like 
an individual butterfly or the dress a boutique 
made for me especially but more so
unable to contain when the MVP 
crosses like a black cat, my body.

This is why my smile is as it is. Do you like it?
My life does not depend on the answer 
but I wonder nonetheless. 

Sometimes everything reminds me of something else

like every day of what I want to be 
but because my life is my garden 
there is no reason to settle   
on a single day of the collection.

A businesswoman of Monaco, 1953. 
Cleopatra no doubt. Christ on the stake. 
A lime-green Lamborghini 
driving through sky-high slices  
of coconut cake. 
Through nights a zebra mask defines me as I peek at magazines 
eating fast food at the end of the all-night pharmacy.

The hardest moons gave me this
and I can't complain about the way time has warped me. 
Even the predator hiss-- is that not the way of Eve  
my friend my idol my love? 

It is no mistake I carry her apples as breasts.
And her face but no memory 
except a number I remember. 

It begins with 123.

Saturday, August 8, 2020



Sad matter wandering
one horn of existence 
taken from creation
mistaken like an orange 
for the blue sea

all wonder even when we endure to whom?
Life upon the level
knows soon our masters 
will be goat on the skewer
despite our own republic-- 
bliss and lemurs
stealing our powder 
learning to count
by rubies divided 
on the sands of Isle-St-Marie.

No one wants to end up truly liberated do they? 
A lunatic shitting freely in the street?
Why then do these Men 
exist in time?
Why do they rule my time? O
the times. I forget the times.

Which sounds better as
J’oublie le fois.


When a curse and a joke express myself better
than symbols that signify a life with a paycheck
a struggle for daycare
a carousel of birthdays
sad days not there before, therefore
I attain the level.

Pay no attention to the children lick their lips
as New Delights wonder Are you a delicacy too?
I take the king's ships. Am I not King?

Yes? For awhile?

And my castle though crude
does it not grow men thick as baobab
and endless wives new to their freedom?

The moats are filled with ancient suicides dogs
pterodactyls millionaires
idiots warriors. Shamen.

A man of fortune seeks his fortune here.
Such people jig in the hanging gardens.

Sails crack and the night
dark-deadly maroon/
walls moan with treasure. 
Gold sweats, rosewood bees
make young honey to lick off the hot bank of stone.
By Christ I can taste
the blood in my enemies. 
I chew the bitter glands
of evil people humbled in the shade.

Your envy is always best as condiment.
Pursuers silent in the forest. Let me go lightly 

as springbok infatuated with flight.
Lure me back against the paradise of my soft mind—
on a hot bank of clay
and the need for protection.

Were those flamingos just a burst of beautiful time?
Did Time not appraise your intelligence?
Were men in the hallways not wondering?
Or women not assessing your smirk?
The athletes not assessing your smile
your structure
and marble? Your orchid scared 
in gorgeous panties
clitoris in distress 
rolling like eventual rain
droplet by droplet 
til my my island is no longer private

I asked such questions as commander.

Life is harsh on the level. 
Love, suggested violently
pure as the colors
or the fresh tower tiles
makes an imprint in a man who has not grown old.
I see. In the dark. With special eyes.
Like a long-tongued moth 
dodging bats for the all-night orgy.

Arrival comes by awful means 
on a hot bank of flesh.
Your daughter will be richly rewarded.

Otherwise it's the pistol. Or the navy.

Yes, I am insane because I wanted it—the kingdom.


Youths could sneak on the sea between two castles
and try strange things before the moon between
the cloudy sky went hyperblue
revealing the latest
flowering nebula.
Lightning repeatedly strikes twice.
More stars squeeze into the darkness 
until you wonder
How is it still dark? 

and luminescent creatures love
blowing ships to the sand 
because they shine on in return.
The kingdom faraway is raucous. 
You can hear freedom like I do—
voices without boundary
and the night’s waves of nutmeg olive, oil, gardenia,
coffee, ocean, pasture the sound of the abacus
deducing us to One
energy not felt before.
Upon ascendance the equivalent of a peacock
disguised as a queen plays her jewels
with long henna hands.

One mood is an eternity
but here the billion deviations
unfold like clockwork wound by minds watered by words 
minted by expression
made aware of god.

Beside a broken nectarine
the last ten children tell their tales.
Your door opens to a face
speaking of The Thing.

You are welcomed by a plant
into the hand of a storm and left dripping 
leaves’ light

What to do with the chameleons is yours.


Every trace of gravity, remove. Every detail is a line
sloping like defiant/sunset/breast.

You'll be my guest in paradise
but I'll drink you to hell
until the daughter of Bourbon comes of age
to pardon my entanglements alisten in hot corners
waves upon the rocks— ships heave, armies of birds
sea lion rebellions. Otherwise it is safe
to relax. To think without guilt. Without history.

Bells ring. I have made it so. Until the gun comes up
and once again we run.
On the level, everything is unprecedented.
Behind a waterfall girls
gather to trade secrets: intimacy, trust
a basket weaved by caring hands.
Yet the youth seeking to be free of ribbons
can disappear and find estrangement
sooner than he feared.

I AM as Providence intended—
to witness warships
hang like buzzards there against the setting ruby
surrounded by tourmaline
placed by tentacles into the moment
and shot when life is over.

I’ll wear the jewels of the sultan tonight.
I will be ultimately home.


Tell the shadows what you wish to see
if you can imagine something not already clear
before you ample and apricot.

The heart will feel angels' topaz wings
crossing the portico fade away today.
The fossa howls like a dying man
and deliberate lovers
nurse the soldiers and magicians
who crewed the mutiny.

Beauty spells thirst
for cream of celestial whales.
Vanilla nutmeg honey and cloves.
We drank the richest of behemoths. 
With almonds.

Traitor/travelers with a mug of Madagascar milk
working depleted on the mystery given.
Even if kind and weak. Like me.

What you need and what we have
to offer is far beyond your need.
The apsara blow in some evenings.
The sharks industrious and swift.

The marooned see hope in the distance.


$116 million in gold. No grog. No hatmakers.
Would endless turtle stew
precious gods, silk
and more cardamom than you can imagine
be enough to outlast hunger's cannons?

Not all who join are invited to the division. 
Whatever code you believe
does not apply
to one who steals from Allah.

I do not worry what they say
when smoking in the fans of heavy palms.
Yes, I should have stayed
in the heart of the insane island.
But endangered like the forest
able to appear in time like the chameleon
I answer your monsoon
with new forms of rare escape
and thoughts of home-poisoned reality.

Quartermaster, brute shipwreck
what you might call unscrupulous
merchants who took my last diamond
and did not worry what I'd say
because words have no meaning 
off the level.

Not all who join

are invited to the division.

Choose your ending well 
or you begin where you began.


Meat is sacrificed to us
but we aren’t cruel monsters. Perhaps
no such thing as a monster anymore exists!
The pinions of the watch no longer
count toward Time. Time
is still the sun upon the level
and I die before that changes.
No fucking master
tells me not to drink
and still I can surprise a woman
shoot dead dishonest men
shitting in the street
or strike a flag declaring
a World more Real than New.

I walk susceptible to an ending always.
Even as advertising rolls from lips like magic yes.
Starlight autographs in estrus for an antihero.
But taste reunion with the fruits
grown that year with music we played
to some refined indulgence.

If all is free of worry
we'll crush the time and die beautiful
let billions of chemicals
make pirates wild. 
You are sad and want to know 
Do I matter anymore? 

On the level everything is known
including dead names repeated 
on this island 
on the moons. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

June 2020

At the end of yesterday's truisms. 

Hollywood violence. Violent convulsion. Quite honestly 
it would do me good to shut up lately. 

I would but I can’t, man. My mind goes. 
Omaha. Greenwood. Apocalypse Now. 
Kristine Moran. Massive Attack. Dr. Strangelove. 

You talk too much. Absinthe at 10. I want your body.
Hakeem Olajuwon. Aime Cesaire 
Pablo Neruda. Antietam. Crab feast. Grape wasp. 
The rapidly declining desire to survive. 

Deuteronomy. Aspirin. The dust in bones. 

Chirico. Greenaway. 
Ripe steak on a Saturday night. 

The Choral Fantasy. High Noon. Juneteenth. 
I just learned that’s a thing this year. 

He’s reading Ulysses. She’s playing Debussy. 
I’m watching nobody. We went to the protest. 

An active mind as told by the smile. 
Josephine Baker. The Nude Maja. Tight plaid pants. 

Death is simply unavoidable. Dan Marino.
Mercan Dede. Spacemen 3. Tetsuro Sawada. 
No I don’t care your race. Rautavaaraa. 

To be context free--. 
that is a beautiful idea. 

Was it Ahmaud? Was it Rayshard? Eric. Breonna? 
Was it the Confederacy? Was it millions of bad explanhanations?
Told over time like a fake apology>

It was not apples or oranges. 
Gerome. Cleopatra. Sidney Bechet. Babylon. Cherry slice. 
Preet Bharara. Mad Dog Mattis. Tamir Rice. 

Woke up at 7 PM> too many options before me. 
Potatoes and eggs. No one to ask. La Pointe. 
Downtown Baltimore. Gun victim. Alton Sterling.

Appropriation? My views? My misconceived answers
justified in too much exquisite detail
for a story that must be forgotten to survive

like a winter seed. Waiting for a sun.
Night of the Iguana. Hajime Sorayama. Koyaanisqatsi. 
Those who aspire. Anonymous
forgotten stars. Polanski’s Macbeth. Aya Kato. Atlantis.
Like you, who wonders about reasoning 
when a plague is not mentioned in-textbook 
or the greenhouse skies still not shown the lightning.  

We are beyond biscuits and gravy here.  
On a porch summer green, children with backpacks and pumpkins. 
Matthew W. Moore. Chiho Aoshima.  

Vivaldi constructed my mind. 
I cannot help but the pulse 
The taste of order and my mother’s crisping pies 
less entry to the logician’s anatomy chamber  
and the type of honest clear reflecting pools. 
Why does the narcissus bloom?

Whatever the world has shown you. 
I would remind you… 
believe me
it always has abundance more. 
Reveal space torn sum unnamed like so>
Take masculine audible ghost story for granted and decease. 
Take better notes. Ask fewer questions.

Stereo MCs. Hobo Humpin Slobo Babe.  
One night of life as a Happy Monday.  
William Holden. 
The 1980s, inconceivable as it seems. 
We were the children in the fairy tale since deconstructed. 
Groovin High. Gang Gang Dance. John Lewis.
Good editors. Nameless names.

Nazi brides. Colonial apologies. Heart of Darkness. 
Thunderstorm traitor. Get the fuck off the tornado. 
Nunavut. Tierra del Fuego. The Azores. 
Waiting a million years. Just for us. 
Yes, and the taste of blueberries.
The Escapist from hell says none of these things.

What else was trueblue love when time fell down?

O my silence. You will be happy to hear it.
Brandywine milkshakes. Honduran cigars.
Slideshow interval.
How wonderful it was unquestioned. 
The delight of Tartini. Bison. Miura.
Wtweal. Floridian orchids. I know you are a Botticelli angel.
Good lord I'm sorry I went on this long.


O I feel my silence comin soon.
Leonard Kwan. Julia Roca. One begins to wonder 
one begins/to wonder 

if he isn't just a bleeping computer of randomized integers.
Well not exactly I mean yeah, whatever. 

Anthony Santander. El Perro del Mar.


Misery and pain apparently, and XYZ.
I was aware I had been given half a story. 

I would but I can’t, man. My mind goes 
absolutely toward the zeroes I carry  
like the eggs of elephant birds in a windstorm home. 

Moby Dick at Cape Cod. Sister-in-law cocktails. 
Salvador Dali’s autobiography.  

There is still a lot to be said. 



To say it, I would be someone else. 

Blaise Cendrars. Kalidasa. Joey Badass.
A nonwhite woman of contrapuntal cosmoses
deep and forgiving which I will not be.